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Healthy Skin Secrets

Living in Los Angeles can feel like you are living in a single season year round. While those in other parts of the world know it’s winter through snowflakes, LA girls know it is winter when our skin flakes. With LA being so much colder this year, what do we (almost) all have in common? Dry skin! So when you start to layer your clothes, start to layer up your skincare too. Here’s how to extend that summer glow:

  1. Cleanse. Use a gentle cleanser morning and night.
  2. Exfoliate. 2-3x weekly. It’s important to get the dead skin cells off so your moisturizer can do its job!
  3. Serum. Did you know serums are more effective than moisturizers? They penetrate the skin on a deeper cellular level!
  4. Eye cream/gel. Let’s keep those eyes bright.
  5. Moisturize. Moisturizers seal the serum and gives your skin that extra bit of hydration!
  6. Oil. An extra layer of moisture to lock in all the prior products used and create a natural skin barrier.
  7. Sunscreen. Ultraviolet rays are just as harmful when it’s not sunny out!

*Pro tip: Apply products while your skin is still damp for maximum absorption. Products should go on from lightest to heaviest!

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